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Sep 9, 2008

Mar 1, 2008

Introduction to VOIP


What is VOIP?
The first question which comes in our mind is What is VOIP? The acronym VOIP stands for Voice Over IP, also called as Internet Telephony, Broadband Phone and voice over Broadband, it is a technology that provides telephone service over the Internet. VOIP transforms voice signals from a telephone or computer microphone into small data packets, and then sends them over the Internet.Earlier in 1945 VOIP was debuted as a networking channel similar to
chat rooms, with the exceptions of microphone and handsets. The first ever service of this kind was limited to computer to computer communication, people were attracted to this service because by the use of this technology they could easily avoid long distance telephone bill. People could now communicate with each other free even by sitting on the opposite ends of the world by using this service. In the past few years, VOIP service providers have enhanced the technology to include telephone to telephone calling just like a land line (analog) telephone service. To better understand VOIP technology, it helps to describe how analog telephone service works compared to the Internet.

Working of Analog Telephone Service
When an analog telephone call is connected to the other telephone, a circuit on a telephone line is opened and remains open throughout the connection while a stream of voice signals travels over the line. If tens of thousands of circuits are open at the same time over one telephone line it can become crowded and affect the speed and quality of the connection. Similarly a dial-up Internet
connection uses a telephone line to transfer data but it is much slower and less efficient due to low data transfer rate than a high-speed broadband or DSL Internet connection, which in turn allows more data to pass through it in a second.
The Internet in turn uses a line with much more space (bandwidth) available than analog telephone lines. Any thing which transfers through the Internet is done by transferring the data or signals into data packets, which uses less space, it's for this reason cable television and the
Internet can use the same line. When a data packet is sent over the Internet, a circuit is opened, the packet is sent, and then it closes. The other end of the circuit only opens when the packet reaches its destination. This process requires less bandwidth and the line doesn't become crowded, which translates into a more efficient, high-speed transfer of data.

Essential Equipment
VOIP services require a high-speed Internet connection (dial-up connection doesn't work). Most providers will use any Internet service, anyhow, some require their customers to use their Internet service. For computer to computer communication a headset and microphone and computer are required and for telephone to telephone service only a telephone adapter and a telephone are required.

One drawback is the difficulty in sending faxes due to software and networking constraints in most home systems, another drawback of VoIP service is its reliance upon another separate service - an Internet connection. The quality and overall reliability of the phone connection is entirely reliant upon the quality, reliability, and speed of the Internet connection which it is using, another drawback of VoIP is the likely inability to make phone calls during a power outage, though this problem is shared with some conventional phones which require more power than the landline itself can supply.

VOIP service is popular among consumers because of the over-all cost savings compared to analog telephone services. Most VOIP services offer the same (if not more) features as analog telephone services at a lower price and long distance calls between users of the same service are usually free. Technology has improved the reliability and voice quality over time and will continue to improve VoIP performance as time goes on. With hardware VoIP solutions it is possible to connect the VoIP router into the existing central phone box in the house and have VoIP at every phone already connected. Software based VoIP services require the use of a computer, so they are limited to single point of calling, though handsets are now available, allowing them to be used without a PC.

VoIP: the way of new telecommunications future.


As technology has improved, the features associated with VoIP calling mean that cost reduction is now no longer the only reason that business are taking up a VoIP business solution. The benefits of a VoIP business solution include:
Free Calls- VoIP to VoIP- if you are a business with multiple sites, you would be silly not to get a VoIP business solution as it offers you the ability to have free calls between all your sites.
Low Call Rates- VoIP call rates WILL be much cheaper than whatever rates you are currently paying.
Simple Administration- Current business phone systems require specialized knowledge to maintain, whilst with a VoIP business solution it can all be managed very simply from a computer.
Simplified Infrastructure- You will no longer have to pay for expensive phone systems if you implement a VoIP business solution in your workplace.
Scalable- A VoIP solution can grow as your business grows quite simply.
Future Friendly- VoIP is the way of the future, so you may as well get on the bandwagon now before all your current telecommunications technology becomes outdated.
Video Conferencing- With a webcam and a broadband connection, A VoIP business solution makes video conferencing extremely easy.
Presence- Many VoIP solutions allow you to show people when you are online and available to take calls, and when you are busy.
Text Messaging- If you cannot make a call, VoIP solutions offer you the chance to have a written conversation through the ability to instantly text message.
File Sharing- VoIP business solutions conveniently allow you to share files with colleagues and clients whilst you are on the phone to them.
VoIP has come a long way since the early buzz, and it is time to make the switch to a VoIP business solution for your business.

Pros and Cons of VOIP

One advantage of using VOIP is the cost of the service. Phone service using VOIP costs less than similar service offered from traditional phone services, especially in regards to long distance telephone calls. Long distance calls through VOIP are offered at flat rates, which will ultimately benefit the consumer. Also, VOIP allows the consumer to share its voice and data equipment, which means that the costs are also shared. In other words, if you have an Internet connection already in place, VOIP can be used at almost no extra cost, and any network capacity that you are not currently using can be used for making calls. Another key benefit of using VOIP is the fact that incoming calls can be automatically routed to your VOIP phone regardless of where you are connected to the Internet. This is especially important for those who go on business trips. VOIP phones can also be integrated with other Internet services, such as videoconferences and file transfers. A user can send or receive messages or data while on their VOIP phone.

One cause for concern with VOIP is emergency 911 service. Before the government stepped in, 911 was not an optional feature for VOIP service providers, and 911 calls made after-hours were not guaranteed to be routed to the local areas emergency call centers of the caller. Another disadvantage of the VOIP service is the lack of encryption, which means that it is relatively easy for someone to eavesdrop on a VOIP call and even change the content of the call. There are a few solutions to this problem, but they do not guarantee full security of any calls. Airtight security would require the user to utilize encryption and cryptographic authentication, which are not yet readily available to consumers. A third drawback is the inconsistent sound quality of the calls made with VOIP. The sound quality is oftentimes fickle and calls often have delays and echoes as well. This means that some calls made with VOIP might not be as smooth and natural as calls made over landline phones.

The 5 Biggest Benefits to Adding VOIP


There are many benefits and advantages to switching from Public Switched Telephone Network. VOIP technology is growing and changing every day. Major corporations are transferring their business needs over to VOIP and households worldwide are making the switch. VOIP is produced by transferring voice into digital data over the Internet. Because the data is smaller compared to a standard electric unit, VOIP users save on valuable bandwidth as well. If you have a high-speed connection in your home, then you can utilize VOIP. You may need to purchase some equipment, such as a VOIP phone adapter. The phone adapter will allow you to use all of your telephones with the VOIP technology. You may also need to purchase a router. Most of your VOIP service providers will supply you with the hardware that you need. You even have the option of purchasing phones designed for VOIP as well as Videophones that will display images while you speak. VOIP is the wave of the future. Many major computer companies have already begun to incorporate VOIP with their Instant Messaging programs. Yahoo has also recently purchased the VOIP Company, Dial Pad. Now, Instant Messaging programs such as MSN, Yahoo, Google, and AOL allow pc-pc phone calls. The world is making the switch to VOIP, but in case you are still unsure if VOIP is right for you, here are five benefits to adding VOIP to your home and business.

1. VOIP is Cost Efficient
Whether for your residence or business, VOIP is just plain cheaper then other telecommunication applications. You can reduce cost in your home by saving on long distance and local telephone calls. Many VOIP service providers have plans that allow unlimited local and long distance calling. You will have to check with various companies to see how far their unlimited local and long distance calling areas serve. You also save money by using VOIP throughout your house. You won’t need to install additional phone jacks and wires, you just add on to your VOIP system.

2. VOIP will Integrate your Audio, Data, and Video Applications.
VOIP systems can integrate your telephone needs with your computer applications such as E-mail, Fax, Web conferencing, and Video Phone needs. This saves money and energy by combining all of these services into one basic application. You can use your phone and access all of your other programs at the same time, allowing greater freedom and is a simpler way for the home owner to utilize all of these different products.

3. VOIP Provides Flexibility
VOIP allows users tremendous flexibility. For instance, many VOIP users can take their phone adapter with them, and use their telephone number anywhere they have access to an Internet connection. This includes traveling overseas, while staying in hotels, or even camping. If you have high speed Internet, you will be able to take phone calls on your regular number. This is a much better solution for those with active lifestyles compared to the expense of cell phones as well as being the perfect solution for mobile employees and those whose jobs require much travel.

4. VOIP Users Can Choose their Own Area Codes
VOIP providers allow users to choose their own area codes. This is a fantastic option for those whose friends and family all live in one particular location, and they are out of state. By choosing your family and friend’s area code, you are allowing them to call you, whenever they choose, and they will not have to pay long distance charges. Their calls will be local. Some providers extend the area codes to other countries. This would be extremely beneficial to someone whose friends and family are halfway across the world.

5. VOIP offers Features for Free
Features that typically cost extra with PSTN phone services are usually bundled with VOIP unlimited calling plans. These features include Voice Mail, Call Forwarding, Caller ID, Call Waiting, Call Return, Call Block, and Do Not Disturb. Because of the integration between VOIP and the Internet, many service providers will allow you to access and control all of your VOIP phone features through the Internet. With VoIP, users have greater access to control all of their phone features as well as save on charges.

VOIP - What You Really Need to Know


For the past ten years, the Internet has played a huge role in every one's lives. From computer games to managing finances and new flourishing industries, the World Wide Web has been thriving in every one's eyes. Now that it has entered all of our homes, it has started to take over our phone lines as well. Of course this is no surprise, as Internet phone calls have always been in the background. However, recently, VOIP has finally caught thousands of people's attention.

For those who don't know, VOIP has become the latest way to connect with others. In simpler terms, it is a phone call that comes directly from an Internet connection. It is not only going to be the future of the telephone industry, but it will attract thousands of consumers because it comes with a lot of different advantages. No matter how budget conscious you are, you will most likely love VOIP's affordability. We all have experienced long distance fees and extravagant monthly bills. For this reason, many telephone subscribers feel that VOIP is a blessing in disguise, as the prices and fees are twice as low. On the other hand, there are some downsides to this form of service. Unfortunately, businesses are going to have to deal with downtime and the possibility of a bad connection. After all, the Internet always has occasional issues, and may require extra attention and additional fees. Nevertheless, as long as they give it a try for a few months, the benefits are usually overwhelming. Regardless of potential problems, large firms like IBM have embraced it with open arms.

In order to use VOIP, all you need is a computer, a microphone, speakers an Internet connection and a VOIP program. Surprisingly, many VOIP programs are free or very affordable to buy. With a pair of speakers and a phone number to dial, you are easily on your way to using VOIP. Due to the popularity of wireless Internet, anyone can place a phone call, no matter where they are. It is a convenient alternative, especially if you are displeased with regular telephones. For this reason, there are already thousands of users becoming regular VOIP users. In the future, most home owners will be a customer.

If you do not want to use this form of VOIP, there is another alternative. There are specialized VOIP phones that often come with video conferencing. This is a great product for any business that has long distance clients or other offices. Companies like IBM love the fact that they have a VOIP system, because it offers such affordability and convenience. No matter what type of package you are looking to get, VOIP offers it all. It is not only going to be a bargain for people who are dying to save money, but soon everyone will be using this new form of technology.

VOIP Call Vs Regular Phone Call


VoIP, which stands for Voice over Internet Protocol, is a service that allows people to make telephone calls over the Internet. In order to use VOIP, a person will need a VOIP service along with some type of input device to record their voice. This can be a microphone or something more sophisticated such as a VOIP-designed telephone. Indeed, VOIP is quite an impressive technology, but how does it compare specifically against the traditional telephone? This article will examine that question by evaluating the three main differences between VOIP and traditional phones. These differences are: cost, voice quality and the ability to make emergency phone calls.

One of the biggest differences between VOIP and traditional telephone service is in the area of cost, as VOIP tends to be cheaper. However, this will largely depend on the type of VOIP service a person decides to use. For example, there are quite a few VOIP services that are free, but the quality is awful. Then there are those like Skype where users can have access to VOIP for a nominal yearly subscription fee. Alternatively, there are VOIP services like Yahoo Phone, which work on a prepaid basis. However, in all of these scenarios, the issue of long distance is the same… it is either free or significantly cheaper than what would get with a traditional telephone. This is the case whether the calls are done nationwide or internationally.

The next difference between VOIP and the traditional telephone line is in regards to voice quality. Most land line telephone services will always have excellent quality. This is not the case with VOIP, which has good quality sometimes. In fact even premium VOIP services tend to not do as well as a regular telephone. Of course, there are ways to try to improve VOIP quality. For instance, having a DSL connection significantly helps with VOIP reception. Also, it helps to try to not overload one’s Internet connection with a lot of downloads, since this frees up more bandwidth for a VOIP service. Yet, doing these things will only make the voice quality so good with VOIP.

In conclusion, the three main differences between VOIP and normal telephones are cost, voice quality and whether or not a person can make emergency calls. Both obviously have their advantages and disadvantages, though VOIP is not enough by itself to meet a person’s complete telephone needs. Yet, if a person wants to make a lot of long distance calls, especially international ones, the regular telephone bill would just be too expensive. So, all in all, while VOIP cannot currently replace a traditional phone line, it does make for a nice complement to it.

How to Save Money on your Phone Bill


A lot has been said and discussed about the virtues of the many of possible VOIP solutions and how this technology is one of the best inventions since the creation of the Internet. Many marketing ideas have been put in action to educate people about the fact that this technology offers so many advantages over regular phone service, that a baby could tell one is better than the other, so making a financially smart decision in the telephony field is not that difficult.

There are several phone companies out there that you would think by having so much competition that prices would be cheaper but the fact is they are not. Local phone companies who don't have close competition are the worst of any kind, because they keep the prices high regardless of demand. They know that users need their service so they charge whatever they want. People have to pay it or not have phone service. Well if you are one of those people that are or have experienced these problem there is a new solution for you , VOIP. VOIP short for Voice over IP which is the most cost-effective technology right now available on the net.

Everyone that knows about VOIP is using it as well as spreading the word to everyone they know. VOIP works by converting conversations into a digital digital packets of data that are transmitted over the net. If you are wanting to call a regular phone number then the signal is changed back into a regular telephone signal before reaching its destination. MSN Messenger used this very same technology You can use VOIP to do all your calling for extremely competitive rates. Unlike phone companies who often charge high rates per minute most VOIP providers only charge a small monthly fee, which can save you more than a few bucks!. This would allow you to eliminate the need for one detailed bill a month. With VOIP you can call anywhere in the world or just local.

This new technology you decide where you call and how much you want to pay. There are three calling options when using VOIP. You could use a VOIP enabled phone , you can use a regular telephone along with a VOIP adapter or using a computer with speakers and microphone to call. VOIP lets you use the web without making your phone line unavailable. With some phone companies charging as much as thirty five cents a minute or hundreds for unlimited calling, VOIP is the best choice for those who use the phone a lot. Its not only affordable but its more convenient.

A good VOIP solution can save you a ton of money, but it is best if you understand your own calling habits and the way that you will use this technology. It also requires a good high-speed web connection so that when you call others they won't think you are calling them from a box. Sit down and write on a piece of paper all the costs this technology involves and make a good financial decision, whether you are searching for a VOIP solution for home or for business.

Nokia 8800


GSM 900/1800/1900 networks.
Integrated SVGA camera (0.5 megapixels).
262,144 colors TFT 208 x 208 pixels display.
Music Player MP3, MIDI, AAC formats supportet .
FM radio .
Integrated handsfree speaker .
Video recording.
Camera resolution 0.48 megapixles SVGA Resolution.
Resolution208 x 208 pixels.
64-voice polyphonic ringtones & MP3 ringtones .
Messaging: SMS, MMS, email, SMTP, POP3, and IMAP4 protocols.
GPRS class 8.
EDGE/ E-GPRS, class 8.
Bluetooth wireless connectivity.
Weight: 134g
Talktime: 3 hours
standby: 8 days

UK: £394.95 .
INDIA: Rs.37500.

Secret Codes:
To check the IMEI press *#06#.
To check the Software Version press *#170602112302#.
Default Security Code: 12345 .
*# 7780 # To restore original settings.
*# 2820 # To indicate bluetooth devices.
*# 7370 # phones soft format.
* # 92702689# knowledge of about everything of the phone.
# pw+ 1234567890 +1 # Provider LOCK status.
# pw+ 1234567890 +2 # network LOCK status.
# pw+ 1234567890 +3 # Country LOCK status.
# pw+ 1234567890 +4 # Sim Card LOCK status.

Nokia 6500



GSM 850/900/1800/1900MHz.
Main Display 2.2" 16m color TFT, QVGA (240x320pixel) resolution.
Camera 3.2 megapixel, autofocus, 2nd camera for video calls.
Weight 88 g. 
GPRS Class 4 (3+1 slots), 24 - 36 kbps.
HSCSD Yes, 43.2 kbps.
3G No.
Bluetooth No.
Infrared port Yes.
Messaging SMS.
Stereo FM radio.
AAC/eAAC+/WMA/MP3/MP4 music player.
Voice record.
microSD memory card slot .
Stand-by 100 h - 350 h .
Talk time 2 h 15 min 4 hrs.

USA: Not available.
UK: Not available.
INDIA:Price:Rs.13000 .

Secret codes:
IMEI (Serial) Code: *#06# .
Default Security Code: 12345.
Firmware Version: *#0000#.*#51x0# or*#9999#.
To check the Serial No: *#92772689#.
*3370# To activate Enhanced Full Rate (EFR).
#3370# To deactivate EFR Half Rate Mode (HFR).
*4720# To activate HFR.
#4270# To deactivate HFR.

Nokia N92


GSM 900/1800/1900 MHz.
Weight 191 g.
Talk time 14 hours.
Stand by 336 hours.
DisplayType Color, TFT Colors 16 777 216.
Resolution 320 x 240 pixels.
Camera Resolution 2.0 megapixels.
MP3, AAC, eAAC, eAAC+, WMA , Music player.
Stereo FM radio.
S60 over Symbian
USB version 2.0.
Ringtones Polyphonic, Monophonic.

USA: $300.
UK: £120.

Secret Codes:

*#06# To check the IMEI.
*#0000# To check the firmware version.
*#92702689# To check the *#war0anty#.
*4720# (*hra0#) To activates the Half Rate.
#4720# (#hra0#) To deactivates the Half Rate.
*3370# (*efr0#) To activates the Enhanced Full Rate.
#3370# (#efr0#) Deactivates Enhanced Full Rate.
*#746085685# (*#sim0clock#) To check the SIM clock status.
*#7220# (*#pca0#) To activate the GPRS PCCCH support (Packet Common Control Channel).
*#7230# (*#pcd0#) To deactivate the GPRS PCCCH support.
*#7760# (*#ssn0#) To display the manufacturing serial number This only works on the 3310 and 3330. 
*#67705646# (*#opr0logo#) To check the operator logo.
*#2820# (*#bta0#) To display the Bluetooth MAC address.
*#7370925538# (*#res0wallet#) It Resets the mobile wallet.
"On Busy Calls" are diverted to*#67705646# .
*#7780# - default factory settings
*#7760# - production serial no. *#2820# - Bluetooth info.
*#73# - reset phone timers and game scores.
*#7370925538# - delete all the content of the wallet and the wallet code.
*#7370# - soft format — erases all telephone memory.

Portable Mobile Ringtone Converter v2.3.36.0

Mobile Ringtone Converter - mp3,ogg,amr,mmf,wav Publisher’s Description
1. Convert audio to Mobile Ringtone as MP3, OGG, AMR, MMF, AMRWB, WAV. 2. Can import MP3, OGG, WAV, AU, AIFF, AMR, AMR WB+ files 3. Can add recording track. Input source is from Microphone, CD Player, Sterte Mix, Line In 4. Can set convert quality, sample rate, bitrate. 5. Can convert by selected part 6. Can mix multiple tracks 7. Can set ringtone quality, such as mp3 bitrate, ogg quality, AMR mode

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God’s Word: A bible translation that brings the full, accurate meaning of the original bible writers to you in natural English–expressed the way you hear it and use it in your everyday life!

Product Description
QuickVerse Mobile Deluxe Edition lets you enjoy 5 complete Bible translations, and a host of great Biblical research and educational tools — all at a great price! It includes a full commentary, Bible dictionary, devotional, and over 100 reading plans. It provides an abundance of content, incredible search features, and eye pleasing display. Read five different Bible translations: NLT Second Edition, NKJV, KJV, ASV & YLT. ALso included are AMG’s Encyclopedia of Bible Facts, Strong’s Concordance with Greek and Hebrew Definitions, devotionals and reading plans. Pre-configured reading plans track your progress as you read Save up to 4 Bible segments in any daily reading plan - Read passages from Genesis, Psalms, Matthew, and Revelation — all in the same day! Show all passage similarities in Matthew, Mark, Luke and John - available in every English Bible translation Highlight your favorite verses in eight different colors — organize and review them by color instantly VerseFinder with both abbreviated and full book names to expedite book/chapter/verse research Your favorite verses and passages marked and categorized for easy reference - add unlimited text with bookmark notes Intelligent Verse Markers recognize verse notation in any reference or devotional — review the reference in your favorite Bible translation with a tap Switch to an alternate Bible translation, commentary, or dictionary instantly then return in a single tap

Creating Mobile Games: Using Java ME Platform to Put the Fun into Your Mobile Device and Cell Phone (Technology in Action Press

Publisher: Apress
* Number Of Pages: 415
* Publication Date: 2007-08-13
* ISBN-10 / ASIN: 1590598806
* ISBN-13 / EAN: 9781590598801
* Binding: Paperback
Book Description:

Creating Mobile Games: Using Java? ME Platform to Put the Fun into Your Mobile Device and Cell Phone is a practical build-it-yourself mobile Java games book with lots of complete working code and advice:

* Shows you how to create a basic game and make it a professional one (by adding a pro look-and-feel by writing your own menus or using the open source J2ME Polish, and enabling marketing/billing from your own web site)
* Demonstrates Wireless Messaging and other optional APIs (using SMS, PIM, File Connection, Bluetooth, and so forth in a multiplayer game)
* Covers the new MIDP3

What you’ll learn

* Start using the MIDP2 and MIDP3 in the newly open sourced Java ME Games API.
* Add a truly professional look-and-feel to your Java ME games.
* Use threads, tones, and other media.
* Store and retrieve data and enable networking.
* Create advanced interactive messaging with optional APIs for multiplayer gaming.
* Explore a complete business model for independent developers (distributing their own games) as well as for larger companies.

Who is this book for?

Software engineers with some knowledge of Java who would like to switch to MicroEdition programming, particularly games
Related Titles

* Pro J2ME Polish: Open Source Wireless Java Tools Suite
* Beginning J2ME: From Novice to Professional, Third Edition
* Pro Java ME MMAPI: Mobile Media API for Java Micro Edition


Mobile Messaging SMS EMS & MMS



Kaspersky Anti-Virus For Mobile Final Full

This is a version of popular kaspersky anti-virus software that work on mobile to protect your mobile from any harmful virus


TomTom Mobile V6.02 S60v3 Symbian OS 9.1

Nokia S60
Nokia S80
Nokia S90
Nokia E50
Nokia E60
Nokia E61
Nokia E70
Nokia N71
Nokia N73
Nokis N76
Nokia N80
Nokia N81
Nokia N91
Nokia N92
Nokia N93
Nokia N95
TomTom Mobile V6.02 S60v3 Symbian OS 9.1

One of the best systems of navigation for the mobile devices. This version works on all S60 3rd edition devices
Basic possibilities of the program:
* intuitive simple interface.
* the splendid system of vocal prompts gives the possibility to driver to be concentrated on the road.
* two regimes of the form of routing classical 2D, and new-fashioned 3D.
* several different color of diagrams, with the day and night operating mode.
* simple course plotting, it suffices to indicate the end point of way with the possibility to use by the built-in directory KPK, the great possibilities of assumption of route.
* the enormous base of data POI (important points), magnificently structured, which makes it possible to use program as reference book.
And this is only enumeration of the basic possibilities of program.


AVConverter Mobile Ringtone Converter v2.3.72

Mobile Ringtone Converter 2.3- Powerful function for editing wav form, convert/mix multiple tracks to mobile ringtone format MP3, OGG, AMR, MMF, AMRWB+, WAV.


All-in-1 Mobile Video Converter v2.07.12.29


Office Mobile (2007)


Office Mobile (2007)



Kaspersky Anti-Virus For S60 Mobile

This is a version of popular kaspersky anti-virus software that work on mobile to protect your mobile from any harmful virus


The Invasion 2007 (DVDRip) [SmartMovie]

A mysterious epidemic is sweeping the world, but it takes one Washington DC psychiatrist to discover that the disease is extraterrestrial in origin. When her son becomes infected, she and a colleague must work together to find a cure, before the entire world is lost...

Converted from : The.Invasion.PROPER.DVDRip.XviD-iMBT

RapidShare: 1-Click Webhosting

Garmin Mobile XT

Garmin Mobile XT v.4.10.40w | 10Mb
Microsoft Windows Mobile Pocket PC and Smartphone

The Garmin Mobile XT for Windows Mobile application is designed for use on Microsoft Windows Mobile Pocket PC and Smartphone devices.

# You must have a previous version of the XT software installed on your SD card to have all of the help files, voice files and basemap files. These are not included with this update.
# During installation, you will be prompted to turn on your Garmin GPS. Please Note: You will not gain access to Garmin Online features and/or the navigation will be unavailable without connecting your Garmin GPS.
# A minimum card size of 256 MB is recommended for Garmin Mobile XT software with maps.
# If you have previously installed the Garmin Que for Pocket PC application, you must uninstall Garmin Que before installing the Garmin Mobile XT application.
# This update does not add support for built-in GPS receivers.


5star Mobile Video

The ultimate movie converter for your mobile device! Watch your movies anytime, anywhere. This product is the all-in-one solution for your mobile device.

Supported are the following devices:

Apple iPod
Playstation PSP
PocketPC compatible devices like Samsung Yh-999 , Dell Axim X50, iRiver PMC-120, iRiver U10, Archos GMINI 402 MTP
Nintendo* DS / GameBoy Advanced (SD Video)
Handys (3GPP/3GPP2/MP4 kompatible Geräte)
iRiver PMP 120/140
iRiver H320/340
Cliod CP2210
Epson P-2000/P-4000
PALM* Zire
PALM* Treo
PALM* Tungsten
Creative ZEN
Archos DVR-AV 500/700
Archos PMA 400
Archos AV 340/380/420
Archos GMINI
Tibo Mobile Navigator
iAudio X5


Jeyo Mobile Companion 2.0

Jeyo Mobile Companion 2.0 is an extensive update to the popular Windows Mobile device manager. Version 2.0 builds on the powerful capabilities of the original: operation of your Window Mobile device from a Windows PC through a familiar ease-to-use Outlook-style user interface, SMS-ing directly from your PC through your phone including chat mode, and powerful features to manage all the important personal data on your Smartphone or Pocket PC phone such as the ability to backup and restore of all your vital data. With Jeyo Mobile Companion 2.0 a host of new features have been added including support for user-created subfolders, more device personalization capabilities, support for Vista/Outlook ‘07 and Windows Mobile 6 devices as well as the ability to export data to the flexible XML format.

* Extend mobile communication to your PC through your Smartphone or Pocket PC phone.
* Exchange SMS messages and organize contacts with ease.
* Backup your personal data from your Smartphone or Pocket PC phone.
* Personalize your phone’s home screen and audio notifications from a slick PC interface .


Shogo Mobile Armor Divison

Players took the role of Sanjuro, a commander in the UCA army, during a brutal war for the planet Cronus and its precious ore (called kato). Prior to the game's first level, Sanjuro had lost his brother (Toshiro), his friend (Baku) and his girl (Kura) during the war and now, it is revenge that drives him. That, and his dead girlfriend's sister (Kathryn), whom he is dating. In Sanjuro's words, "It's kinda complicated." The game's narrative is primarily what drove gamers to finish the game, as it featured a healthy dose of comic relief without becoming silly.

At two pivotal points in the game, the player also has the opportunity to make a crucial decision, which can alter the game's ending. While the first decision is almost purely a narrative decision, the second decision actually determines who you'll be facing the rest of the game and how the game will end. If nothing else, the ability to play the game twice with two different sets of final missions truly added to the title's replay value.



Sega Mobile The Golden Compass v1.0.0 for Java Devices


Embark on a journey of adventure and exploration playing as the main characters Lyra and her morphing daemon, Pan. Head into the unknown and set out on a quest to rescue best friend Roger and the other children captured by the evil Gobblers. Joining you in your mission is Iorek, an armoured bear and powerful ally adept in both combat and war. Together you will travel to the icy splendour of the North where giant bears rule, witches fly the frozen skies and dangerous enemies wait around every corner!


Nero ShowTime Mobile v1.2.0.13 Retail

With Nero ShowTime Mobile, you can experience the ultimate Nero Digitalâ„¢ quality on the go! You now have the ability to take your movies and music with you directly on your Smartphone/PDA or play back content remotely from your home PC equipped with Nero MediaHome and UPnPâ„¢.

Supported audio formats:

- Nero Digitalâ„¢ Audio (MPEG-4 Audio), AAC, HE-AAC, HE-AAC v2, MP3, WAV.
Supported video formats:
- Nero Digitalâ„¢ (MPEG-4 Video, including AVC/H.264)
Supported file containers:
- mp4, .m4a, .mp3, .aac, .wav

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SBSH Mobile Software iLauncher v3.1

SBSH Mobile Software iLauncher v3.1

SBSH Mobile Software announced today a new iLauncher for Windows Mobile update to version 3.1!
Introducing lots of new exciting changes, including: All new Floating Panels concept - getting your tabs content to float on top the Today screen!, Thumb-Tabs mode optimized for thumbs navigation, Active Programs display and much more!

Living Mobile Enchanted v1.3.0 for Symbian S60 and S60 v3

Living Mobile Enchanted v1.3.0 for Symbian S60 and S60 v3 | 600KB

Help Giselle keep a pretty princely picture in her heart in the Enchanted mobile game! She can only finish her Prince Charming mannequin when you complete the series of minigames with Pip and her other forest friends. Meet and play with the characters from the movie and experience the beauty of Andalasia in three games and 14 levels right on your handset. Fun and easy-to-play gameplay is instant therapy wherever you are—but player beware: some of those cute characters are surprise enemies!





Konami Metal Gear Acid Mobile 3D 1.0 0

Straight from the arcade, Metal Gear has arrived for mobile. From the infamous Kojima Productions, Metal Gear has been reproduced for the first time. With a choice in difficulty settings, Metal Gear will appeal to casual gamers and fans of the franchise alike.

The mobile phone version of the first Metal Gear puts you in the role of Solid Snake, a rookie soldier who uses stealth to complete objectives.


Nero Mobile Pro v1.4.0.9

Nero Mobile turns mobile phones, PDAs, PMPs, and other portable devices into mobile media centers that let you show photos, listen to music, and watch videos at work, at the gym, on the train, in your car everywhere!

Ready to give the multimedia features of your mobile devices a permanent boost? Enjoy this application full time by upgrading to Nero Mobile Pro and get unlimited access to the codecs that let you take digital entertainment with you anywhere you go!

Audio, video, and photo features
Search contents easily with a built-in media library
Supports Nero Digitalâ„¢ and Nero Digitalâ„¢ Audio+
Stream contents directly to your television set
User-friendly interface
2D and 3D icons
Available on Windows Mobile 2003 and 2005 platforms


Portable CloneDVD mobile

Portable CloneDVD mobile MultiLang (Win) | 6.3 MB | Z-DL)

CloneDVD mobile converts your DVD movies quickly and easily into a format that your portable device (Sony PSP, Apple iPod Video, iAudio X5, Creative Labs ZEN Vision, etc) can play. You can also convert your DVDs to other file formats, such as DivX, XviD, AVI.

Download (6.3 MB)

Mirror Deposit Files

Mobile Devices Video Suite 1.0.27

Aimersoft Mobile Devices Video Suite is a professional Mobile Device video converter that bundled by two excellent mobile devices video converters: DVD to Mobile Devices Converter and Video Converter for Mobile Devices. As DVD to Mobile Devices Converter, it can rip DVD to mobile devices with high quality and super fast speed. As Video Converter for Mobile Devices, it can convert all popular video including AVI, WMV, MPEG, MPG, FLV, DAT, RM, RMVB, MOV, ASF, etc. to mobile devices.

Aimersoft Mobile Devices Video Suite supports powerful movie editing functions like video crop, movie trimming, and video effect adjustment. You can set resolution, bit rate, frame rate, aspect ratio, brightness, contrast, saturation to get the best video quality. It supports batch conversion and customizes video profile, making your conversion much easier.


Winfonie mobile

Winfonie mobile 2 synchronizes contacts, appointments, and tasks between your pc and your mobile phone. Updated data is detected automatically and synchronized with the opponent. You can check the synchronization result in a preview window before transfer


Addon / Info

The Mobile Media Converter

Overview :

The Mobile Media Converter uses ffmpeg to convert MP3 / WAVE / WMA audio files to AMR files (Adaptive Multi-Rate Codec, *.amr) and vice-versa (AMR to MP3). Also, it can convert your WMV (except WMV ver.9) / MPEG video files to 3GPP (3rd Generation Partnership Project, *.3gp) and vice-versa (MPEG to 3GP).
The program has a very easy-to-use and simple GUI (Graphical User Interface) that helps even the most amateur user. Most of the times, the only data that you must enter is the input file(s) or just drag 'n' drop the input file! The 3GP and AMR formats are used by mobile phones for MMS, for video and sound recordings, etc.

Features :

- Convert from amr to wav.
- Convert from mp3,wma, wav to amr.
- Convert from wmv, mpeg to 3gp.
- Convert 3gp to mpeg.

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The Mobile AMR converter

Overview :
The Mobile AMR converter uses Sony Ericsson AMR converter to convert AMR files (Adaptive Multi-Rate Codec, *.amr) to wave files (*.wav) and vice-versa in a user-friendly way. Also, you candirectly convert MP3 to AMR files for use with your mobile. It can also save several wave files into one SP file and vice-versa. The program has a very easy-to-use and simple GUI (Graphical User Interface) that helps even the most amateur user. Most of the times, the only data that you must enter are the input file(s) and the output file. The AMR format is used by many mobile phones right now, for sound recordings and for MMS (message with sound, picture and text for view in cell phones).

Features :

- Convert from amr to wav.
- Convert from mp3, wav to amr.
- Convert from wav(s) to sp.
- Convert from sp to wav(s).

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Aone Ultra Mobile 3GP Video Converter 3.8.1023

 4,14 MB

Ultra Mobile 3GP Video Converter is a powerful 3GP converter which can convert almost all popular video formats to 3GP/3G2/MP4 video clips and play them in mobile phone or other software 3GP player.
No other program can convert so many video formats including DivX, XviD, AVI, WMV, MPG, MPEG, MP4, M4V, FLV, 3GP, ASF, RM, RMVB, MOV, MOD, ASX, MKV, OGM, SVCD, VCD, VOB to 3GP 3G2 H263 MP4 format.
Ultra Mobile 3GP Video is an extremely easy to use video converter which can convert AVI to 3GP, MPEG to 3GP, WMV to 3GP, MOV to 3GP, RM to 3GP, etc. It helps you watch music video and movies on your mobile phone with easy.
Key Functions

* AVI to 3GP converter - convert AVI to 3GPP, 3GPP2, MPEG-4(MP4) file
The 3GP Video Converter is an AVI to 3GP video converter and an MPEG to 3GP converter. The 3GP video files are supported by many mobile devices, such as Nokia, Motorola mobile phone. You can use Ultra Mobile 3GP Video Converter to convert AVI to 3GP video, convert MPEG to 3GP, and watch the 3GP video clip in your Nokia, Motorola mobile phone or other software 3GP player.
* MPEG to 3GP converter - convert MPEG to 3GP, 3G2, MPEG-4 format file
Ultra Mobile 3GP Video Converter is an MPEG to 3GP converter which supports decoding MPEG1, MPEG2, MPEG4 files to 3GP video.
* 3G2 converter - convert video to 3G2 file
Ultra Mobile 3GP Video Converter is an 3G2 converter which supports decoding AVI, MPEG, WMV, RM, MOV, DIVX, ASF files to 3G2 video.
* Mobibe Audio Converter - extract audio from video file, encode to MP3, WAV, AMR
Ultra Mobile 3GP Video Converter is a music 3GP converter to extract audio files from most popular video formats, and encode to MP3, WAV, M4A, AMR file.

Key Feature

* Super fast conversion speed provided as it full supports Intel Pentium D Dual-Core Processor and AMD Athlon™ 64 X 2 Dual-Core Processor which ensures full use of your CPU
* Video source supports DivX, XviD, AVI, WMV, MPG, MPEG, MP4, M4V, FLV, 3GP, ASF, RM, RMVB, MOV, ASX, MKV, OGM, SVCD, VCD, VOB any video format play-able.
* Audio source supports AAC, AC3, AMR, MP3, MP2, M4A, OGG, WAV, WMA, etc, formats.
* High-speed encoder ensures smooth conversion of video and audio data
* Excellent output quality is offered
* Custom define the output audio volume.
* Movie scene spot edit-able.
* Support various subtitle files
* Keep the original aspect ratio or resize movie to fit the Cellphone monitor resolution.
* Support Drag and Drop 
* Shutdown computer automatically when job is done
* Simple GUI and very EASY to use


Wondershare Video Converter for Mobile Phone v3.2.41

-- Convert video to mobile phone 3GP, AVI and MP4 for popular brands of mobile phones.
-- Convert multiple files at a time.
-- Convert video for playback on iPod, iPhone, Pocket PC, PSP and o on.

-- Wondershare Video Converter for Mobile Phone is a professional video to Mobile Phone converter application that can convert regular video formats to mobile phone 3GP, AVI and MP4 video files for Apple iPhone, iPod, Sony PSP, Palm, Pocket PC, and various brands of cell video phones including Motorola, Nokia, Samsung, and Sony Ericsson and so on.

-- Wondershare Video Converter for Mobile Phone provides various settings to edit your video files, such as movie trimming, video cropping, video effect settings, video and audio encoder settings, video file merging, and movie picture capturing and so on.

Enjoy your video files on your mobile phones and players with Wondershare Video Converter for Mobile Phone!

Wondershare Video Converter for Mobile Phone Key Features

1. Convert video to mobile phone video
Convert video to mobile phone 3GP, AVI and MP4 for popular brands of mobile phones.
2. Convert video to popular mobile players
Convert video for playback on iPod, iPhone, Pocket PC, PSP and so on.
3. Batch conversion
Convert multiple video files at a time.
4. Video Crop
Crop your movie video to remove black video sides.
5. Merge multiple files
Allow you to merge all added video files into one file.
6. Support Dual-core and Multi-core processors
Convert video to mobile phone on computers with dual-core and multi-core processors with high conversio speed.
7. Easy to use
Put video on mobile phones and players with just a few intuitive steps.
8. Capture movie pictures
Capture your favorite pictures and save them on your computer in Jpeg or Bitmap format.

Why choose Wondershare Video Converter for Mobile Phone?

1. Wondershare Video Converter for Mobile Phone can convert video to Mobile Phone 3GP, MP4 and AVI for various brands of mobile phones including Motorola, Nokia, Samsung, and Sony Ericsson etc. and for mobile players such as iPod, iPhone, PSP, and Pocket PC and so on.
2. Wondershare Video Converter for Mobile Phone lets you convert your video files with various editing options.
3. Wondershare Video Converter for Mobile Phone is very easy to use. Its user-friendly interface lets you convert video to Mobile phone video with just a few clicks.


pass: mechodownload

SlySoft CloneDVD Mobile

 CloneDVD mobile converts your movie DVD easy and quickly into a format your portable devices like Sony PSP, Apple iPod Video, iAudio X5, Creative Labs ZEN Vision etc. can show CloneDVD mobile converts your DVD movies quickly and easily into a format that your portable device (Sony PSP, Apple iPod Video, iAudio X5, Creative Labs ZEN Vision, etc) can play. You can also convert your DVDs to other file formats, such as DivX, XviD, AVI, MP4, etc.
With CloneDVD mobile you can put your favourite movies or TV series on your mobile video equipment and watch them wherever and whenever you want. Let the kids watch their favourite cartoons in the car. Incorporating the user-friendly interface of Elby’s CloneDVD and the well-engineered open source project MEncoder as the conversion engine makes CloneDVD mobile a fast, easy-to-use and quality product that is very reasonably priced.
Copying a DVD to your mobile video machine is achieved in a few mouse clicks and without the need to rip it to your hard-disk. Note that copying protected DVDs also requires AnyDVD.

Download Link

Patch Keygen

Mobile Ringtone Converter 2.3.82

Mobile Ringtone Converter lets you to record, convert and mix audio files to mobile ringtone format, such as AMR, MMF, WAV, AMRWB.
- Convert audio to Mobile Ringtone as MP3, OGG, AMR, MMF, AMRWB, WAV.
- Can import MP3, OGG, WAV, AU, AIFF, AMR, AMR WB+ files
- Can add recording track to audio. Input source is from Microphone, CD Player, Sterte Mix, Line In
- Can set convert quality, sample rate, bitrate.
- Can convert by selected part.
- Can mix multiple tracks.
- Can edit Wavform

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NFS Pro Street - Java Mobile

NFS Pro Street: Java Mobile Version


Ultra Mobile 3GP Video Converter

Ultra Mobile 3GP Video Converter is a powerful 3GP converter which can convert almost all popular video formats to 3GP/3G2/MP4 video clips and play them in mobile phone or other software 3GP player.

No other program can convert so many video formats including DivX, XviD, AVI, WMV, MPG, MPEG, MP4, M4V, FLV, 3GP, ASF, RM, RMVB, MOV, MOD, ASX, MKV, OGM, SVCD, VCD, VOB to 3GP 3G2 H263 MP4 format.

Ultra Mobile 3GP Video is an extremely easy to use video converter which can convert AVI to 3GP, MPEG to 3GP, WMV to 3GP, MOV to 3GP, RM to 3GP, etc. It helps you watch music video and movies on your mobile phone with easy.

With variable settings and fast converting speed, it is an affordable, high quality 3GP video encoder.

Features :
- Super fast conversion speed provided as it full supports Intel Pentium D Dual-Core Processor and AMD Athlon™ 64 X 2 Dual-Core Processor which ensures full use of your CPU.
- Video source supports DivX, XviD, AVI, WMV, MPG, MPEG, MP4, M4V, FLV, 3GP, ASF, RM, RMVB, MOV, ASX, MKV, OGM, SVCD, VCD, VOB any video format play-able.
- Audio source supports AAC, AC3, AMR, MP3, MP2, M4A, OGG, WAV, WMA, etc, formats.
- High-speed encoder ensures smooth conversion of video and audio data.
- Excellent output quality is offered.
- Custom define the output audio volume.
- Movie scene spot edit-able.
- Support various subtitle files
- Keep the original aspect ratio or resize movie to fit the Cellphone monitor resolution.
- Support Drag and Drop.
- Shutdown computer automatically when job is done.
- Simple GUI and very EASY to use.

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Feb 25, 2008

Kit Huawei U120S mobile

Because with the software from the homepage of Huawei U120S I can’t upload files and I have many restrictions I search for something to help me.

To work you must plug the usb cable in pc, the when Windows claim for driver just show him the way to the folder with usb driver (from kitmobilrds.rar), then install the software from folder MTCPM.2007_v6.2.1 (you must read the .nfo file


Carmegeddon 3D(Symbian Game)

Carmegeddon 3D (Symbian Game)


Theme for Sony Ericsson

Theme for Sony Ericsson

For Sony Ericsson phones of the following:
k850 | w910 | w960 | k530 | z320 | z250
w850 | z310
z520 | z525


Bluetooth Messenger for Java 1.2.9

Bluetooth Messenger will allow users to transfer text messages via bluetooth connections
in short distances.

First of all, searching for active devices on which this service is running, is needed.
All devices will be added to your clients and you can control their access mode in
settings menu.

You can choose which devices have the authority to receive your messages and which have
not. As default no device would receive your messages. So choose trusted devices from
settings menu.

"messages" will lead you to send and receive enviornment. You can send messages in
unicode format.


· MIDP 2.0 and JSR-82 enabled mobile phones.

Download Code:

pass : mechodownload

Cellity freeSMS

NEW: Send SMS worldwide free of charge with cellity freeSMS.

Messages with only 160 characters? That was yesterday

* When writing an SMS with cellity freeSMS you can send up to 2,048 characters!
So your short message is no longer awkwardly split after 160 characters into several messages.
Simply let your imagination run free while writing an SMS.

Keep track of every conversation!

* Each SMS is automatically added to the preceeding message of the same receiver.
That way you always have a complete list of the communication history with your friends.

Group SMS are also free!

* Do you want to send one SMS to many different receivers? A fast party invitation?
Or a quick holiday greeting? Using cellity freeSMS you can designate as many receivers as you wish – with only one message sent and no extra costs*.


* Does your receiver have cellity freeSMS turned off? No problem! If you send a freeSMS,
he will immediately receive a ping call free of charge! Thus he knows that a new SMS is
waiting and can be directly picked up when starting his cellity freeSMS.

How to get it started:

* After the download your phone will ask you to instal the application, please follow
the on-screen instructions. Once the applications is installed you can start it.
* Please verify your identity typing in your phone number inlcuding the international
prefix (i.e. +44XXXYYYZZZZ)
* You will then receive an SMs stating your password. Please read this SMS and remember
the 4-digit-PIN-code. Restart the cellity freeSMS application and when asked to do so input
the PIN-code. You are all set now.
* You can send freeSMS to all your friends now. If they do not have the freeSMS
application yet, no problem: The message is stored on our server and a traditional SMS is
sent to te recipient, informing him about the new product and offering him the possibility
to easily download the file.
* When not actively using the application, put it to "minimize"; do not turn it off.
In this mode you can still receive new messages, even when the application is in the

Technical information:

* works on any Java MIDP1 and MIDP2 enabled phone, which means it also works on most
of the Symbian and Windows Mobile phones (as many of them support Java)

Download Code:

pass: mechodownload

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